Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Sad News

We were shocked to hear that Beena's mother's younger brother George who was retired as the Director of Missiles in D.R.D.O met with a car accident and lost his life on Friday 15th Jan. He and his wife Lissy were travelling in their car from Hyderabad to Calicut to attend wedding of his sister's daughter.  It looks like there was a tyre burst and so the vehicle lost control and turned to the right side and hit a tree. Because the impact, steering wheel hit and broke the ribs. Lissy aunty had fractures on hip bone and left arm. She had a surgery on Saturday so she could not attend the funeral.

Beena & me attended the funeral on Saturday and came back by Sunday midnight. Please keep the family in your prayers.

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Kunjunni's Visit

We were very encouraged to have Kunjunni to come and be with us for few hours.

Etta's Visit

It was great to have Etta to come and be with us for few days.

Trip to Coimbatore

We had been to Coimbatore and Palghat to visit the Churches there. It was longest drive we had together as a family.  We enjoyed the hospitality of Saji & Sheeba and together with them we went to Malampuzha and stayed there for a day and visited the Church in Palghat.

Sunday, January 3, 2010

Adeliene's Birthday

We want thank all of you for praying for Adeliene. Today is she is turning to be one year old. From last month she is walking well and now even carries things and walks. She has made miraculous progress from being born as underweight child. Truly we appreciate all your prayers and encouragements.